TOC – A to Z Blog Challenge Theme

TOC – A to Z Blog Challenge Theme

TOC for “Blogging from A to Z April 2016 Challenge” (I’m # 695)

Here’s the A to Z Category page, listing all my A to Z posts if you don’t want to slog through this one.  HERE’S LAST POST.      Thank you A to Z

Post Day Post Date Post Letter Link and Description
Friday 04/01/2016 A All About Me [You]
Introduction to this blog series.
Saturday 04/02/2016 B Bullying: I can stop being bullied
Stop the bully problem with a defense system.
Monday 04/04/2016 C Criticize me, please! No, really!
There’s  an art form in asking for help.
Tuesday 04/05/2016 D Don’t give up too soon or too late
It’s OK to say “don’t give up” but we also need to know when it’s OK to move on.
Wednesday 04/06/2016 E Equal Doesn’t Mean Same
Why is it bad to be good?
Thursday 04/07/2016 F Flip Flop: on purpose!
Let’s show our weaknesses (carefully) to give ourselves character.
Friday 04/08/2016 G Guilt Trip
Everyone tries to guilt you into improving.
Saturday 04/09/2016 H Honesty versus Abasement
Difference between being up front and putting yourself down.  Credit: Alex
Monday 04/11/2016 I
Identity: Know Thyself
Dig deep and learn what your triggers are.  Credit: Alex
Tuesday 04/12/2016 J Journey to Confidence
Credit: Cassie from Mommy, RN
Wednesday 04/13/2016 K Knowledge: you’re not Einstein
There’s always more to learn. Credit: Alex
Thursday 04/14/2016 L Love yourself? Nope, just be comfortable
Feel right at home with yourself.  Credit: Jen Seriously
Friday 04/15/2016 M My Car only Seats Just So Many
It’s okay not to be Superman.
Saturday 04/16/2016 N No Magic Answers
Confidence has to start somewhere; looking at it from another angle can help.
Monday 04/18/2016 O
Outgoing or Introvert
Credit: Jen Seriously
Credit: Alex
Tuesday 04/19/2016 P Positive Attitude
Keep positive; don’t gossip.  Credit: Cassie from Mommy, RN
Wednesday 04/20/2016 Q Quick to judge
Every single thing can feel like an attack. Credit: Cassie from Mommy, RN
Thursday 04/21/2016 R Respect Yourself
“Be nice” to yourself, not just others.  Credit: Jen Seriously
Friday 04/22/2016 S Society’s Messages
How much of our self-image and self-worth comes from society?
Saturday 04/23/2016 T Taking Care of Number One
Charity and generosity are wonderful, as long as we don’t forget to take care of ourselves.
Monday 04/25/2016 U Uplifting Experiences
Seek out stuff that makes you feel great when you feel not-so-great.  Credit: Alex      .
Tuesday 04/26/2016 V
Validation is dangerous
If you always need praise, you may have a confidence issue.  Credit: Alex
Vanity: the confidence alter-ego
Love yourself, but not to the point where you think you are “all that”.  Credit: Jen Seriously
Wednesday 04/27/2016 W Who Cares?
We should stop obsessing about what other people think of us.
Thursday 04/28/2016 X Xenophile
Stretch:  you like everyone else but yourself.
Friday 04/29/2016 Y You Can
Believe. It’s hard, but you can beat your inner bully. I did – partially – and I continue to make strides every day.  Credit: Jen Seriously
Saturday 04/30/2016 Z Zero to Hero
I know, that’s my writer’s blog. But I think it’s likely to be an apt way to wrap it up and end this theme – learning to find your inner hero.
FRIDAY 04/01/2016 A Reblogs
Online Sharing of Non Profit Organizations

[Original Post Text]

The A-Z Challenge is a fun chance for us all to practice our writing and share our links!
This is the THEME REVEAL for the blogging challenge: Blogging from A to Z April (2016) Challenge.

So many people and so many “programs” tell us that by squishing our negative feelings and bolstering our inner vision of ourselves we will attain happiness. This gives us some magic formula of physical and mental “wellness” – whatever that is.

What they don’t tell us is the opposite – which, on the surface, should be obvious: that by lacking self-confidence, you’ll be unhappy. What I’ve been taking exception  to, though, is how shallow this whole self-promotion trend is – so very black and white.

It’s quite clear to many of us that when we’re lacking in confidence, we tend to be more timid, we give up more easily, and we do not rise to a challenge and are easily intimidated by others, just to name a few. It also seems relatively clear that when you’re more confident, you’ll have higher chances of landing that job, you’ll feel better about yourself, and you might even treat your physical health with more respect by eating better and exercising.

Where I wish to focus is on people like me: We don’t particularly view ourselves as lacking in confidence, yet we close so many doors for ourselves because we still believe all the lies about ourselves that we grew up with: we’re lazy; we’re not talented enough; we’re not experienced enough; statistics show that only 10 out of a million people succeed as new writers (I’m being sarcastic here).

In this blog series, I hope to bring out some different points of view for us to consider:

  • Confidant but not overly arrogant
  • Humble but not timid
  • Optimistic but not unrealistic
  • Realistic but still giving yourself a chance

I have no idea if I will be able to take up 26 blog posts without saying the same thing over…and over, but my optimism tells me to give it a shot (even if my ‘realism’ is warning me I might end up on a soap box)! Here’s what I have planned so far (thoughts only, not written yet):

17 thoughts on “TOC – A to Z Blog Challenge Theme

  1. Wow, I’m glad I decided to start at the bottom today and check out some of the theme reveals. Yours is fabulous and you really went over the top on your presentation. I’m definitely coming back to check out all of your posts. I just bookmarked your site. I’m really excited about your theme. It sort of ties in with the inner struggle with the protagonist in my current novel I’m working on. My theme reveal is number 244 I believe, but please don’t get discouraged and give up on my blog if it takes a long time to load. I was in the middle of a blog makeover and I was assured it would be ready in time for the challenge, but I forgot about the theme reveal. My blog will be ready by April 1st, and most of the people who have visited my theme reveal haven’t had a problem so my fingers are crossed.
    I’m so eager to read your posts and I will see you in April.

    Melissa Sugar
    Twitter @msugar13


    1. Thank you very much!!! I have had these thoughts building for a long time, and I believe I can present arguments that go beyond the “stop bullying” “Gain Self Confidence” “Believe In Yourself” types of phrases we hear with little or no substance behind them. As a youth who was bullied heavily, and an adult with a confidence problem, I have lots to say about the misconceptions I’ve learned along the way. I may not have the answers yet, but I’m taking it in a different direction and hope I can make people just stop and re-think the issues.

      So this series works three ways for me – it covers a concept dear to my heart; it is a challenging and controversial topic that I need to learn how to handle; and it’s just plain old writing practice in general.

      I look forward to clicking through your blog and the so many people who have committed their time to join us in this Challenge!

      PS I, too, am going to be playing with my themes, styles, layouts, colors, etc, as I’m still not 100% happy how my blog “looks”. Being a programmer doesn’t instantly give me license to be a good designer :-).

      Sue Hernandez
      Twitter @SJHFantasy
      tumblr/facebook/linked in/geeze luize I’m so “socially” confused…


  2. H – Healling or Healing I – Ignoring or Imitation J – Joking L – Liars or Lauhter I just got carried away, thinking possible key word for some of your empty letters. I think this is a great idea for a theme. I believe most everyone has some self doubt at one time or another or some area of their life they feel inadequate in. They also say the best way to help oneself is to help others.
    Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much!! The more I think of it, too, I may replace or combine some of the ideas I had for some of the letters. Unfortunately, I haven’t actually written any of them yet, and I think it would help if I get started to make sure I can stay on the right track. 🙂


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